About Us

Homemade Skincare Products

Nature Backed by Science is our slogan for our skin care products. Each formulated by Scientists.

My vision was to create products that would leave your skin healthy, moisturized and glowing

Natural Means Better
We are all about natural ingredients and sharing the knowledge of why you should choose organic.

Did you know that your skin is the largest organ on your body? Your skin actually absorbs about 60% of what you apply on it which goes directly into your bloodstream. Knowing this fact means you should be aware of everything that you put on your skin to lead to a healthier you. 

Organic ingredients are more effective because they contain a higher level of the naturally occurring vitamins, antibacterials, and antioxidants. Each essential ingredients has its own special benefits that can be used to treat a variety of skin care concerns. 

BioBae Botanicals takes pride in our products and we are here to serve you!

Everything we need to nourish our bodies can be found in nature, thats why we are bringing you BioBae Botanicals.

Meet the founder

Gabrielle Chukwudolue

BioBae Botanicals began in 2022 when a young scientist decided that a change needed to be made with the products we use on our skin. She decided to make organic soaps, organic body butters and organic sugar scrubs. Each of these handmade products have been specially formulated to help balance and treat all skin types even the most sensitive skin. With a company slogan of “Nature, Backed by Science” our founder uses her experience and background knowledge of chemistry and biology to develop natural yet effective skincare products for all ages.

We use only natural ingredients for our products, which are good for you and the environment too.
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